
Easy Origami Cat Face

Animal Face is a lovely group of children-friendly origami ideas. Let’s learn how to make a lovely cat face.

We have other origami animal face, like the Origami Dog Face, and the Origami Bear Face.

cat face | origami Ok

We provide step-by-step diagram instructions and beginner-friendly videos. Check both for quicker learning.

If you are new to origami, start here from our beginner origami guide to know the basics and how to read the step-by-step instructions.


Get a 15*15 cm origami paper, with one yellow and one white side. Then you can fold a cat face around 10 cm (3.9 inch) diameter.

origami cat face| origami Ok

Easy Origami Cat Face Video

You can refer to the video or follow our step-by-step picture tutorial behind.

Step by Step

Step 1

Start with the white side of the paper facing up and fold in half diagonally.

origami cat face

Step 2

Take the one point over to the other side and make a small crease along the bottom edge to mark the middle. Then unfold it and we find the middle.

origami cat face

Step 3

Take the right point, bring it up and to the right at an angle away from the top. Repeat the other side too.

You can adjust the angle by yourself to make a smaller or bigger cat face.

origami cat face

Step 4

Fold the bottom point up a little to form the cat’s chin. You can adjust based on your own preference.

origami cat face

Step 5

Lift the ears of the cat face slightly, and fold the top point of the face flap (located under the two ears) down. Or you can flip over the paper and fold it on the other side like the video shows.

origami cat face

Step 6

Fold both the right corner and left corner a little. Adjust the cheekbone of your cat.

origami cat face

Step 7

Flip over and the cat fish is finished.

origami cat face

Step 8

Draw the cat’s eye, mouth, and lots of lovely beard.

origami cat face

origami cat face | origami ok

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