You can’t miss this origami dog face if you have a dog in your house or like dogs. This origami dog’s face has two large hanging ears and a sharp chin. You can draw the eyes, nose, and mouth to express emotions.

how to make origami dog face | origami ok

We have prepared a collection of dog-related origami ideas, such as the simple dog face, this easy and lovely origami puppy in this instruction, and a more detailed middle-level origami dog.

origami dog face | origamiok
origami puppy | origamiok
origami dog | origamiok

If you are new to origami, start here from our beginner origami guide to know the basics and how to read the step-by-step instructions.

origami dog face | origamiok
  • Folding time: 6 minutes
  • Paper: 15ร—15 cm
  • Difficulty: Easy, Beginner friendly


Get a 15*15 cm origami paper, with one blue and one white side, and you will get a 7.8*14 cm dog face. You can also choose another color of paper to get a different colored dog. Another size of origami paper will also work for this dog face, make sure to use a square paper.


Easy Origami Dog Face Video

Step by Step Instructions

Step 1

Start with the white side of the paper facing up and fold in half diagonally.

origami cat face

Step 2

Take the one point over to the other side to make a center crease. Then unfold it.

origami dog face

Step 3

Take the right point, fold it down diagonally to form the dog’s ear.

Then repeat the left side.

origami dog face

Step 4

Fold the bottom top layer up a little. You can adjust this part but remember this is for the mouth part.


Step 5

Fold the bottom layer up a little as well, but don’t overlap with the top one.


Step 6

Then fold the top point of the small blue triangle down to form a small triangle. This is base of the dog tongue.


Step 7

Then unfold it.


Step 8

Fold the top point of the small triangle down to form a smaller triangle, less than step 6.


Step 9

Repeat step 7 to fold it down, you get the dog’s cute little tongue.


Step 10

Lift the white triangle below and place the small tongue under the white triangle.


Step 11

Fold the top point of the white triangle down to form the dog’s nose.


Step 12

Flip the paper over.


Step 13

Fold both the left edge and right edge up a little to slim the dog’s cheeks.


Step 14

Flip it over again, this cute dog face is almost done.


Step 15

Draw eyes, nose and mouth.


Step 16

Fold the top of the dog’s head and both ears backward a little to make it look cuter by having a larger head.


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how to make origami dog face | origami ok

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