Another cute origami with an ocean element appears to be flapping its fins, swimming freely in the ocean.

This model creates a cute paper whale with a fat body, a sharp mouth, and a lovely detailed tail. It can be a cute idea if you are in love with sea creature models.

origami whale | origamiok

If you are new to origami, start here from our beginner guide to know the basics and how to read the step-by-step instructions.

origami whale | origamiok
  • Folding time: 20 minutes
  • Paper: 15ร—15 cm
  • Difficulty: Middle


Get a piece of 15ร—15 cm origami square paper, with different colors on each side, to create a 6.1ร—10 cm origami whale. Other sizes of square paper are also possible.

origami whale | origamiok

Step by Step Instructions

Step 1

Start with the white side of the paper facing down, and fold it in half vertically, leaving a crease then unfold it.

origami whale | origamiok

Step 2

Fold it in half horizontally from the bottom to the top.

origami whale | origamiok

Step 3

Fold up the bottom edge around 1/5 of the vertical crease, crease it well then unfold it.

origami whale | origamiok

Step 4

Unfold the paper completely.

origami whale | origamiok

Step 5

Fold the top and bottom left edges to align with the creases you just made.

origami whale | origamiok

Step 6

Fold the top and bottom corners toward the center along the dotted lines, and unfold them. [these dotted lines intersected with the creases on the top and bottom layers]

origami whale | origamiok

Step 7

Unfold the paper, and push the top and bottom points toward the center along the creases indicated by the dotted lines.

origami whale | origamiok

Step 8

Press down the top layer, and flatten the top standing corner by pushing it to the right side.

origami whale | origamiok

Step 9

Similarly, press down the bottom layer, and flatten the bottom standing corner by pushing it to the right side.

origami whale | origamiok

Step 10

Fold the left point toward the right side along the dotted line.

origami whale | origamiok

Step 11

Shape the two creases shown by the red dotted lines, then push them together, and flatten the fold. Finally, rotate it 90 degrees from the back to the front.

origami whale | origamiok

Step 12

Fold the right triangle down to the left along its left edge.

origami whale | origamiok

Step 13

Fold the right point of the right triangle to meet the top left point of the paper indicated by the red spot, crease it well then unfold it.

origami whale | origamiok

Step 14

Bring up the top layer, and repeat step 13, fold the right point of the right triangle to the top left point, then push down the lifted top layer.

origami whale | origamiok

Step 15

Flip the paper over.

origami whale | origamiok

Step 16

Fold up the right part along the black dotted line, leaving a crease then unfold it.

origami whale | origamiok

Step 17

Rotate the paper 90 degrees from the back to the front, and expand the tail part as the second picture shows, then bring up the tail along the existing creases, and finally flatten the fold.

origami whale | origamiok

Step 18

Rotate it 90 degrees from the front to the back to place it flat.

origami whale | origamiok

Step 19

Fold down the top left corner of the tail to the left along the edge indicated by the dotted line, crease it well then unfold.

origami whale | origamiok

Step 20

Rotate it 90 degrees from the back to the front, expand the tail as the second picture shows, then push down its top point, and flatten the fold along the creases you made in the previous step. Finally, rotate it to lay it flat.

origami whale | origamiok

Step 21

Pinch the bottom section of the tail, and pull the top two corners to both sides. Then, push down the top edge of the tail to the right side, and adjust it to create a flat top side. The third picture shows the final result of the tail fluke from top and bottom views.

origami whale | origamiok

Step 22

Gently fold the flipper on this side to the right along the dotted line to create a slight bend, without pressing too hard.

origami whale | origamiok

Step 23

Turn over the paper.

origami whale | origamiok

Step 24

Similarly, fold the flipper on this side to the left side to create a slight bend.

origami whale | origamiok

Step 25

Fold up the bottom right corner along the dotted line, leaving a crease then unfold it.

origami whale | origamiok

Step 26

Rotate it 90 degrees to make the bottom face up, then press down the corner you folded in the previous step, and flatten it along the creases you just made. Next, rotate it back to the original shape.

origami whale | origamiok

Step 27

Flip the model over, that’s your lovely origami whale.

origami whale | origamiok

What’s Next

This is the final shape of an origami whale. Now you can go ahead and explore our other origami animal instructions. Happy folding!

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origami whale | origamiok

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