These days, we are exploring some origami fish. In this post, we will show you the easiest way to make an origami tropical fish, the kind we often see on TV or in animations. This simple method is perfect for children and beginners.

Don’t forget our Origami Shark, which is cool and also simple to make.

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For sea creature lovers, we also have lovely origami seahorse, origami shark, and an easy fish step by step instructions.

Origami tropical fish | OrigamiOk

If you are new to origami, start here from our beginner guide to know the basics and how to read the step-by-step instructions.

  • Folding time: 5 minutes
  • Paper: 15×15 cm
  • Difficulty: Easy, Beginner friendly


Get a 15*15 cm origami paper, with different colors on each side, to create a 15*10.5 cm tropical fish. Other sizes of square paper will be also available.

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Easy Origami Tropical Fish Video

Step by Step Instructions

Step 1

Start with the yellow side of the paper facing up, and fold it in half horizontally, crease it well then unfold.

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Step 2

Fold it in half vertically, get a new crease, and unfold it.

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Step 3

Flip the paper over.

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Step 4

Fold the bottom right point to the top left diagonally, get a crease then unfold it.

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Step 5

Then fold the bottom left to top right diagonally, crease it well, and unfold it.

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Step 6

Now, we are going to make a water bomb fold.

Use both hands to press the two center points on the right and left edges. Then push it down to make the center points of the three edges to meet the center point of the bottom edge.

Flatten it to create a triangle.

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Step 7

Fold the right edge of the top layer to the left along the dotted line.

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Step 8

Fold the left edge of the top layer to the right along the dotted line.

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Step 9

Rotate it 90 degrees counterclockwise, then flip it over, draw eye and streaks for it.

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What’s Next

This is your classic tropical fish with steaks on its body, very eye-catching. Next, please check our other origami fish ideas, enjoy folding!

Other easy origami fish ideas

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