This is a super amazing and interesting origami stress ball, the finished product can be kneaded at will. Just like its name, knead it when you working or studying, it can relieve your stress.

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We provide step-by-step diagram instructions and beginner-friendly videos. Check both for quicker learning.

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If you are new to origami, start here from our beginner guide to know the basics and how to read the step-by-step instructions.

  • Folding time: 2 hours
  • Paper: Paper with an aspect ratio of 2:1
  • Difficulty: Advanced


Prepare a piece of paper with an aspect ratio of 2:1, with different colors on each side.

Origami Stress Ball Video

Step by Step Instructions

Step 1

Start with the colored side of the paper facing up, and place the paper vertically.

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Step 2

Fold it horizontally five times, and then unfold the paper, creating 32 evenly spaced creases.

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Step 3

Next, fold it in half vertically four times, and then unfold, getting 16 vertical creases.

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Step 4

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Step 5

Fold the bottom right point up diagonally to meet each of the diagonal intersection points, or fold the top edge of the folded white triangle to align with each of the horizontal creases. Each fold needs to be unfolded, leaving a crease.

When meet the top edge of the paper, you can start from the top left point, until the paper is evenly distributed with diagonal creases.

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Step 6

The paper is evenly distributed with diagonal creases.

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Step 7

Repeat this from the bottom left point.

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Step 8

Until the paper is evenly distributed with diagonal creases in the opposite direction.

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Step 9

Fold these horizontal creases again, in the order of one valley fold and one mountain fold.

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Step 10

Rotate it 90 degrees.

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Step 11

Start from the top left.

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Step 12

Fold downward-facing arrow shapes in turn as shown.

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Step 13

Until the first row is completed.

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Step 14

Slightly unfold the paper.

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Step 15

Shape the creases, separately, and fold an upward-facing arrow shape under every arrow in the first row.

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Step 16

Adjust them well.

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Step 17

Until the second row is completed.

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Step 18

A completed view when you finish the second row.

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Step 19

Complete the remaining rows using the same folding manner as the first and second rows.

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Step 20

Now focus on the top edge.

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Step 21

Shape these two diagonal creases on either side of the vertical line of the first arrow.

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Step 22

Then shape the two diagonal creases on the sides of the second and third arrow.

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Step 23

Fold the top and bottom edges in this manner.

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Step 24

The pictures below will show you the shape of the bottom edge.

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Step 25

Then you will get a shape like the following picture shows.

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Step 26

Slightly unfold the left and right edges.

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Step 27

Take the right edge.

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Step 28

Apply glue on this edge.

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Step 29

Then take the other edge.

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Step 30

Start gluing them on from the edge of the two sides, making the two rows of small squares on both edges overlap perfectly.

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Step 31

Glue them well, getting a ball.

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Step 32

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Step 33

Shape the creases on the ball again.

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Step 34

This is the final shape of a stress ball.

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What’s Next

This is the final shape of an origami stress ball, now you can explore our other interesting origami toy instructions. Happy folding!.

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