If you are searching for origami ideas for girls, we will highly recommend this purse bag. It looks like a classic handbag, similar to Barbie’s.

The paper used for the final paper bag can change the style a lot. For example, if you use wrapping paper with polka dots, you will get a vintage suitcase.

origami purse bag | origamiok

If you are new to origami, start here from our beginner guide to know the basics and how to read the step-by-step instructions.

  • Folding time: 20 minutes
  • Paper: 15cm x 15cm / 2
  • Difficulty: Middle


Prepare two pieces of 15cm*15cm paper to create a 5.6cm*9.4cm origami purse bag.

origami purse bag | origamiok

Step by Step Instructions

Step 1

Take out one of the papers and place it with the desired display side facing down to begin folding. Fold it in half horizontally from bottom to top.

origami purse bag | origamiok

Step 2

Fold the right point to meet the left point, leaving a short crease indicated by the black dotted line, and unfold it.

origami purse bag | origamiok

Step 3

Fold the right point to meet the midpoint of the bottom edge, press to mark the crease point, and unfold it.

origami purse bag | origamiok

Fold the left point to meet the midpoint of the bottom edge, press to mark the crease point, and unfold it.

origami purse bag | origamiok

Step 4

Fold the right point of the paper indicated by the red point to meet another red point, leaving a crease, and unfold it.

origami purse bag | origamiok

Fold the left point of the paper indicated by the red point to meet another red point, leaving a crease, and unfold it.

origami purse bag | origamiok

Step 5

Fold up the bottom edge a little.

origami purse bag | origamiok

Step 6

Fold up the left and right sections of the bottom edge, shown by the red lines, to align with the vertical creases on the left and right sides indicated by the grey lines, respectively. Crease them well, and unfold them.

origami purse bag | origamiok

Step 7

Fold down the top point of the top layer along the dotted line, then fold it back to the top side for the short section. Unfold the bottom part of the paper.

origami purse bag | origamiok

Step 8

Fold the left and right points along the black dotted lines.

origami purse bag | origamiok

Step 9

Fold the left and right edges along the black dotted lines, and unfold them 90 degrees to get two stand-upright flaps.

origami purse bag | origamiok

Step 10

Mountain fold the two creases indicated by the red dotted lines, and valley fold the creases indicated by the black dotted lines. Push the two sides toward the center and fold up the bottom triangle.

origami purse bag | origamiok

Step 11

Similarly, mountain fold the two creases indicated by the red dotted lines, and valley fold the creases indicated by the black dotted lines. Press down these two mountain creases and fold up the bottom part of the paper.

origami purse bag | origamiok

Step 12

Fold down the top point, then fold it up.

origami purse bag | origamiok

Step 13

Rotate the paper 90 degrees from left to right, mountain fold the crease indicated by the red dotted line, and valley fold the creases indicated by the black dotted lines, then flatten this side of the bag along these creases.

Turn over the bag from left to right, and flatten this side in the same manner.

Finally, rotate it 90 degrees to lay it flat.

origami purse bag | origamiok

Step 14

Place another piece of paper with the desired display side facing down to begin folding. Fold it in half horizontally, leaving a crease, and unfold it.

origami purse bag | origamiok

Step 15

Fold the bottom edge to align with the middle horizontal crease, leaving a crease, and unfold it. Then, cut the paper along this crease.

origami purse bag | origamiok

Step 16

Take the small rectangle of paper you cut out in the previous step. Fold it in half horizontally, leaving a crease, and unfold it.

origami purse bag | origamiok

Step 17

Fold both the top and bottom edges to align with the horizontal crease, then fold the paper in half horizontally from top to bottom.

origami purse bag | origamiok

Step 18

Fold both ends a little and unfold them, then bring them up to bend this paper strip.

origami purse bag | origamiok

Step 19

Glue the purse bag and straps together. Then put the bag cover down.

origami purse bag | origamiok

Step 20

Rotate the bag 45 degrees from left to right, tuck the fold of the bag cover under the layer below it, and then turn the bag back.

origami purse bag | origamiok
origami purse bag | origamiok

Once you’ve made it, you can personalize your purse bag by painting a logo of your own design or gluing an origami butterfly to decorate it. In addition to this cute bag, you may need another item, such as an origami diamond ring to enhance your fashion sense.

origami butterfly | origamiok

Easy Origami Butterfly

Origami diamond ring | OrigamiOk

Origami Diamond Ring

What’s Next

That’s your origami purse bag! Now, you can explore our other easy and interesting origami ideas. Enjoy folding!

origami purse bag | origamiok

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