Make a cute and fun mini origami bridge using a piece of paper. This bridge resembles an arch bridge and includes fences on both sides and steps at each end.

You can match it with origami fish or Koi fish.

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This project features an interesting design that allows you to transform a single piece of paper into an arch bridge through a series of precise folds. It is ideal for educational purposes, as it promotes concentration and focus. The finished product can also serve as a decorative element, adding a touch of architectural charm to your origami miniature scenes.

  • Folding time: 20 minutes
  • Paper: 15ร—15 cm
  • Difficulty: Middle


Get a piece of 15ร—15 cm square paper to create a 7ร—5ร—5 cm origami bridge. Choose different colors and sizes of paper to create a variety of bridges.

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Step by Step Instructions

Step 1

Place the paper with the desired display side facing down, fold it, and unfold it in half diagonally, then vertically, leaving two creases.

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Step 2

Fold the top and bottom points to the center point formed by creases, then unfold them.

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Step 3

Fold the top and bottom points to meet the intersection points separately, formed by the vertical crease and the two horizontal creases you made in the previous step, crease them well and unfold them.

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Step 4

Fold up the bottom point to meet the second intersection point from top to bottom, shown by the red spot, leaving a crease, and unfold it [pictures 1 and 2].

Fold down the top point to meet the second intersection point from bottom to top, shown by the red spot, leaving a crease, and unfold it [pictures 3 and 4].

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Step 5

Fold up the bottom point along the crease indicated by the dotted line, then fold up the bottom edge to align with the first crease from bottom to top [pictures 1 and 2].

We can see a small triangle. Fold down its top point to meet the intersection point, then fold down the resulting top edge to align with the bottom edge of the paper [pictures 3 and 4].

Finally, unfold the paper completely.

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Step 6

Repeat this for the top side.

Fold down the top point along the crease indicated by the dotted line, then fold down the top edge to align with the first crease from top to bottom [pictures 1 and 2].

We can see a small inverted triangle. Fold up its bottom point to meet the intersection point, then fold up the resulting bottom edge to align with the top edge of the paper [pictures 3 and 4].

Finally, unfold the paper completely.

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Step 7

Here, we can see many horizontal creases. Firstly, fold the top and bottom points along the creases indicated by the dotted lines.

Mountain fold the creases shown by the red dotted lines, and valley fold the creases shown by the black dotted lines. Bring the two mountain fold creases together on each side, and flatten the fold to create a final shape like the last picture shows.

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Step 8

Rotate the paper 180 degrees from front to back, then fold the paper in half vertically, leaving a crease, and unfold it.

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Step 9

Turn over the paper from front to back, then create a mountain fold as the red dotted line shows, which connects the vertex of the triangles on the top and bottom. Finally, flatten the fold.

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Step 10

Create another three mountain fold creases in the same manner as described in the previous step.

origami bridge | origamiok

Step 11

Fold the crease shown by the red line to align with the black line, which connects the vertex of the yellow triangles on the top and bottom [picture 1].

The steps shown in picture 2 are the same as before.

origami bridge | origamiok

Step 12

Similarly, fold the crease shown by the red line to align with the black line, which connects the vertex of the yellow triangles on the top and bottom.

origami bridge | origamiok

Step 13

Unfold the top and bottom triangles in the middle, then flip the paper over from left to right and fold the two triangles again.

origami bridge | origamiok

Step 14

Flip over the paper from right to left.

origami bridge | origamiok

Step 15

Fold the crease shown by the red dotted line to align with the slanted edge, shown by the red line [picture 1].

Repeat this for the bottom side [picture 2].

origami bridge | origamiok

Step 16

Turn over the paper from front to back.

origami bridge | origamiok

Step 17

Fold the right point toward the left side along the dotted line, leaving a crease, and unfold it [pictures 1 and 2].

Fold the right point again along the dotted line to meet the crease you just made, then fold the resulting right edge to the left side along this crease [pictures 3 and 4].

Turn over the paper from front to back [pictures 5 and 6].

origami bridge | origamiok

Step 18

As you did in step 15, fold the crease shown by the red dotted line to align with the slanted edge, shown by the red line [picture 1].

Repeat this for the bottom side [picture 2].

origami bridge | origamiok

Step 19

Rotate the paper 180 degrees from front to back.

origami bridge | origamiok

Step 20

Fold the left point toward the right side along the dotted line, leaving a crease, and unfold it [pictures 1 and 2].

Fold the left point again along the dotted line to meet the crease you just made, then fold the resulting left edge to the right side along this crease [pictures 3 and 4].

Turn over the paper from front to back [pictures 5 and 6].

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Step 21

Bring up the top and bottom edges along the creases indicated by the dotted lines for 90 degrees.

Rotate the paper 90 degrees from back to front.

origami bridge | origamiok

Step 22

Press down on the right side of the paper to expand the first pleat from right to left, followed by the second pleat.

Expand the pleats on the left side by pressing down the left part of the paper.

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Step 23

Flip the paper over from left to right, then repeat the previous step.

origami bridge | origamiok
origami bridge | origamiok

Here is a great idea, make an origami koi fish and swim underneath the bridge to create an origami scene with Chinese aesthetics.

You can also add details like a tiny origami human to personalize your creation, and make it stand on your bridge.

If you are new to origami, start here from our beginner guide to know the basics and how to read the step-by-step instructions.

origami koi fish | origamiok

Origami Koi Fish

origami human | origamiok

Origami Human

What’s Next

That’s your cute origami bridge. You can now explore our other cool origami ideas. Happy folding!

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